Indian Motorcycle News & Forum News
Indian Motorcycle News
Indian Motorcycle related news items are posted here (only forum admin can start the thread)
90 2,843 Farewell Indian Chief Vintage by Indian Scotty -
Indian Motorcycle Forum News
News regarding this forum are posted here (only forum admin can start the thread)
14 504 Help Us Spread The Word - Invite Others To Join Us! by Croc -
Forum Member Benefits & Discounts
Members Only Category. These Benefits and Discounts are Only Available to Full Forum Members with 50 Posts or More.
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Indian Motorcycle Forum
Forum New Member Introductions
New forum members, please introduce yourself and find out about other members. We would love to get to know you! We don't bite!
607 9,170 New member from WA by andarwoo -
Indian Motorcycle General Discussions
General discussion of Indian Motorcycle related topics that do not fit into one of the other categories.
464 5,908 Ride Command by JD Chief -
Indian Motorcycle Garage Technical Discussions
Do you want to discuss the technical aspects of Indian Motorcycles and maintenance? Perhaps share your tips and tools.
352 4,441 Worth Checking Your Clutch Cable Regularly by andarwoo -
Motorcycle Accessories & Apparels
Have you tried any motorcycle accessories lately? No matter who made them, tell us what you think about them. Do you recommend them?
269 3,110 Finn Moto saddle bags review by jasonthebruce -
Indian Motorcycle Reviews & Impressions
Have you had a demo ride, been on a tour or just want to share the experience of your bike? We love your reviews and impressions of Indian Motorcycles. Tell us your story.
40 425 Steel City Indian Motorcycles at Wollongong by JuanPoop -
Indian Motorcycle Pictures & Videos
Do you have photos or videos of Indian Motorcycles that you want to share? You have come to the right place.
'How-to' Video Tutorials 142 1,064 Blood Bike Chief by JD Chief -
Forum Functionality Support
Need help using the forum? Not sure how to post a picture? Noticed an issue with the site? Want a new forum category created? Post a note in here and we will be happy to help.
46 248 Insurance by Roygbiv
Thunder Stroke 111ci & 116ci Motorcycles
Indian Chief, Chief Bobber, Dark Horse, Springfield, Super & Vintage
Post your discussions on the Indian Chief, Chief Bobber, Dark Horse, Springfield, Super Chief & Vintage.
80 864 Back on an Indian from this Friday by Croc -
Indian Chieftain
Post your discussions on the Indian Chieftain, Chieftain Dark Horse, Limited & Elite here.
23 286 Windscreen not moving by andarwoo -
Indian Roadmaster
Post your discussions on the Indian Roadmaster, Roadmaster Classic, Roadmaster Dark Horse & Roadmaster Elite here.
73 1,215 Lower Vented Fairings Badge Restoral by RMNL -
Thunder Stroke Performance & Suspension Modifications
So you like to tweak your Thunder Stroke equipped motorcycle? Awesome! What 'go fast' modifications have you tried? Was it any good? Do you recommend them?
65 1,522 Thunderstroke 116 tuning options in Victoria by Ozbernie -
Thunder Stroke Motorcycle Problems & Issues
Have you experienced a problem or an issue with your Thunder Stroke equipped motorcycle? Tell us what happened and if it was fixed, how?
112 1,911 Oil Filter Thunderstroke by Leethal
PowerPlus 108ci Motorcycles
Indian Challenger & Pursuit
Post your discussions on the Indian Challenger, Challenger Dark Horse, Challenger Limited, Pursuit, Pursuit Dark Horse & Pursuit Limited here.
41 383 Ride Command by Mush71 -
PowerPlus Performance & Suspension Modifications
So you like to tweak your PowerPlus equipped motorcycle? Awesome! What 'go fast' modifications have you tried? Was it any good? Do you recommend them?
8 91 3RD O2 Sensor and 2:1 Exhaust Tune by Mojo -
PowerPlus Motorcycle Problems & Issues
Have you experienced a problem or an issue with your PowerPlus equipped motorcycle? Tell us what happened and if it was fixed, how?
3 60 Engine dies when taking off from stand still by mawz61
FTR 1,200cc Motorcycles
Indian FTR 1200
Post your discussions on the Indian FTR 1200 & FTR 1200 S here.
21 242 FTR quirks and guidance by MJB
Scout 60ci & 69ci Motorcycles
Indian Scout, Bobber & Rogue
Post your discussions on the Indian Scout, Scout 60, Bobber & Rogue Motorcycles here.
187 2,051 Clicking from rear Scout classic by Macples -
Indian Scout Performance & Suspension Modifications
So you like to tweak your Scout? Great, so do we! What 'go fast' modifications have you tried? Was it any good? Do you recommend them?
67 673 Indian Scout Quick Shifter by Croc -
Indian Scout Problems & Issues
Have you experienced a problem or an issue with your Scout? Tell us what happened and if it was fixed, how?
44 562 Scout bobber fuel cap by Croc
Past Indian Motorcycles
Classic Indian Motorcycles 1970 - 2011
Post your discussions on the Kings Mountain (2008 - 2011), Gilroy (1999 - 2003) and Clymer/Newman (1970) built models
3 26 Gilroy Indians by Micmac -
Vintage Indian Motorcycles 1901 - 1953
Post your discussions on the Springfield, Massachusetts built models
9 69 Need help 1953 Indian Chief restoration by damienpearse
Supporting Vendors
Australia | Ride - Rally - Record
World record attempt for The Most Indian Motorcycles on a Parade and The most Indian Motorcycles on a parade in the Southern Hemisphere.
60 250 Silvo and a catch up about 30 Indians arrived by Kriss -
Zaidee's Rainbow Foundation
Zaidee's Rainbow Foundation to raise awareness of the need for increased organ and tissue donor registration in Australia. We also partner with various organisations to promote an active lifestyle.
9 16 National and World Musters by allan28
Indian Motorcycle Rides & Events
Australian Indian Motorcycle Rides & Events
Members Only Category. Is there a ride or an event coming up? Do you want to organise one? If you want others to know about a ride, event or tour, let us know.
Members Only -
New Zealand Indian Motorcycle Rides & Events
Members Only Category. Is there a ride or an event coming up? Do you want to organise one? If you want others to know about a ride, event or tour, let us know.
Members Only -
National & International Indian Motorcycle Rides & Events
Members Only Category. Taking a week off and going on a motorcycle tour? Maybe it's an interstate ride. Maybe it's an international ride. Tell us about it.
Members Only
Road Reviews
Best Roads for Motorcycles in Australia
Share your favourite stretch of roads in Australia. Maybe a nice place to eat and stay as well.
Victoria New South Wales Queensland Australian Capital Territory South Australia Western Australia Tasmania Northern Territory 31 188 My Tour of Tasmania - March 2018 by CurrumbinChris -
Best Roads for Motorcycles in New Zealand
Share your favourite stretch of roads in New Zealand. Maybe a nice place to eat and stay as well.
North Island South Island 6 22 Queenstown to Glenorchy by Toompy
Indian Motorcycle Dealers
Australian Indian Motorcycle Dealers
Did your local Indian Motorcycle Dealer in Australia look after you? Didn't look after you? Review their service so others can benefit.
Victoria New South Wales Queensland Australian Capital Territory South Australia Western Australia Tasmania Northern Territory 62 641 Dealer recommendations in NSW by Hasano -
New Zealand Indian Motorcycle Dealers
Did your local Indian Motorcycle Dealer in New Zealand look after you? Didn't look after you? Review their service so others can benefit.
North Island South Island 1 6 Wellington Motorcycles Closing Shop - Who will service my Scout now? by tallackn
Off Topic
Off Topic Discussions
Discuss topics unrelated to Indian Motorcycles.
209 2,650 Rides for the year. by Gayle DM -
Health and Wellbeing
Members Only Category. Post your discussions on Health, Wellbeing, Crash and Recovery. Without our health, nothing else matters.
Members Only -
Harley-Davidson Motorcycles
The rivalry between Indian Motorcycle and Harley-Davidson Motorcycle is legendary and it has become a popular topic deserving of its own heading.
36 419 2023 Harley-Davidson CVO Road Glide Launched by V-Twin
Trading Post
For Sale
Members Only Category. Do you have a leather jacket you want to sell? Maybe exhaust pipes? Whatever you want to sell, place your ads here. [Not for Commercial Use]
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Want to Buy
Members Only Category. Do you want to buy a windshield off someone's Vintage? Maybe a set of stock exhaust to tinker with? Whatever you want to buy, place your request here.
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